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Canadian Association of University Teachers
Association canadienne des professeures et professeurs d'université

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Assoc. or Full Professor, Institute of Indigenous Research and Studies (IIRS)

University of Ottawa

IIRS invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Associate or Full Professor, open to Indigenous scholars of any disciplinary background. Priority will be given to senior scholars with academic background, research, and training in Indigenous Studies or cognate disciplines.

Priority will be given to senior scholars whose academic background and training is in IS or cognate disciplines and who conduct research around questions of, but not exclusively:

• gender and sexuality;
• history and/or contemporary lived realities;
• museum, archival, or gallery studies;
• health and wellness and disability studies;
• science and science knowledge;
• literature and/or artistic practices;
• languages;
• film and media studies;
• digital humanities;
• land, territory, and mapping practices;
• land-based pedagogies and methods;
• urban studies, housing, built environment;
• sovereignty, legal orders, governance;
• or research at the intersection of any of these concepts/areas.

Candidates whose research and teaching praxes reflect an existing and ongoing relationship to legally recognized and inherent First Nations, Metis, and Inuit nations, communities and/or organizations (non-profit, health and wellness, educational sectors, etc.), or artistic and heritage organizations (museums, galleries, theatres, etc.) are strongly encouraged to apply.

Priority will be given to First Nations, Metis, and Inuit scholars who regard Indigenous Studies as a suitable home for their research and teaching praxis. Candidates are especially sought who wish to advance the educational opportunities and outcomes for Indigenous students and create a place where Indigenous intellectual traditions can thrive. IIRS is a newer academic unit and successful candidates will be expected to contribute to its growth, including the building of graduate programming. A strong commitment to participate in the administrative activities of the Institute is required.

This hiring is undertaken in accordance with the University’s Indigenous Action Plan which seeks to remedy the under-representation of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit faculty members. By their cover letter and application materials, candidates must demonstrate that they are First Nations, Metis, and/or Inuit and have their referees also speak to their indigeneity.

We especially encourage applications from Indigenous scholars with connections to the nations and peoples from the territories near the University of Ottawa or who make the region home; however, we welcome applications from all First Nations, Metis, and Inuit scholars.

Duties: The functions of a member of the academic staff include, in varying proportions: a) scholarly activities and research; b) academic service including the development of a graduate program; c) teaching, d) supervision of students. The successful candidate is expected to help grow Indigenous Studies and the Institute at the University of Ottawa. A commitment to building the discipline and academic unit, including graduate programming, is required. To this end, the successful candidate must have an established rigorous research program that includes grants from major funding agencies such as SSRHC, as well as engagement with Indigenous communities and other partners committed to decolonization of academic research. The successful candidate should also have strong knowledge of university governance and be committed to developing the Institute’s research and teaching excellence.

The successful candidate will be expected to teach at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, in English or French.

A successful applicant is expected to conduct research in their field that results in peer-reviewed scholarly publications (or equivalent knowledge translation initiatives). An active and dynamic research program is regarded as fundamental to developing meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities, as well as to attract, develop, supervise, train and retain excellent trainees, students, and future researchers. The Faculty of Arts provides support to faculty members committed to research that leads to external funding and facilitates collaboration with communities.

The successful candidate will be expected to exercise leadership in forging research collaborations. The Institute also encourages approaches to teaching and learning that lead to collaborations with members of the Institute and beyond the University.
Terms: Tenure-track position

Wage: Salary scale for an Associate Professor rank starts at $104,487 and Full at $125,452 (as of May 1, 2023).

Benefits package: The University of Ottawa provides a complete benefits package, which includes long-term disability leave, basic group life insurance, supplementary health insurance, a pension plan and optional life insurance, as well as relocation expenses.

Location of Work: Institute of Indigenous Research and Studies, University of Ottawa, William Commanda Hall, 52 University Private, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5.

Contact Information: Direct questions to Dr. Brenda Macdougall, Director, Institute of Indigenous Research and Studies, University of Ottawa, Ottawa ON, K1N 6N5. E-mail:

Start date: July 1, 2025.

Skills requirements: A successful candidate is a scholar in Indigenous Studies or relevant cognate discipline/field with the following qualifications:

• A doctorate (Ph.D.) or terminal degree in the field of study;
• Evidence of successful teaching at a post-secondary institution;
• Evidence of an established and innovative research program and a record of refereed publications and scholarly conferences;
• An ability to attract external funding;
• Fluency in English or French. Active bilingualism in Canada’s two official languages is encouraged and supported;
• Passive bilingualism in French and English will be required to receive tenure (courses and individual tutoring available for professors).

Modified Application Deadline: Applications received by March 10, 2025, will receive full consideration, but the position will remain open until filled.

More information regarding Academic Careers can be found online. Applications must be submitted electronically through the University of Ottawa Careers application portal. Only complete applications will be considered.

A complete application includes a cover letter which explicitly explains your connection to Indigeneity, a curriculum vitae, a statement of research interest(s), copies of two (2) recent peer reviewed publications, a statement of teaching philosophy, a statement of research interests and teaching evaluations (if available).

Should be sent under separate cover, by the referees to

• Three (3) confidential letters of recommendation
• An additional letter of recommendation from a legally recognized and inherent Indigenous nation with whom the candidate has worked, attesting to their adherence to Indigenous protocols around research methods and praxes;
• A letter of recommendation from a traditional knowledge keeper or community leader/member with whom the candidate has worked in partnership.
Short-listed candidates will be invited to interview and be provided an opportunity to present their research to professors and students (it is possible this will be done via videoconference technology).

For more detail about the Institute of Indigenous Research and Studies, please visit: